Strophe 0.12
XMPP client library
File List
Here is a list of all files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 auth.cAuthentication function and handlers
 common.hInternally used functions and structures
 conn.cConnection management
 crypto.cPublic interface for digests and encodings used in XEPs
 ctx.cRuntime contexts, library initialization and shutdown, and versioning
 deprecated.cFile with deprecated API functions
 event.cEvent loop and management
 handler.cEvent handler management
 hash.cHash tables
 hash.hHash table API
 jid.cJID creation and parsing
 md5.cMD5 hash
 md5.hMD5 hash API
 ostypes.hType definitions for platforms without stdint.h
 parser.hInternally used functions and structures
 parser_expat.cXML parser handlers
 parser_libxml2.cXML parser handlers
 rand.cPseudo-random number generator
 resolver.cDNS resolver
 resolver.hDNS resolver
 sasl.cSASL authentication
 sasl.hSASL authentication helpers
 scram.cSCRAM-SHA1 helper functions
 scram.hSCRAM helper functions
 sha.hSHA-1 hash API
 sha1.cSHA-1 hash
 sha1.hSHA-1 hash API
 sha256.hSHA-256 hash API
 sha512.hSHA-512 hash API
 snprintf.cA snprintf implementation
 snprintf.hCompatibility wrappers for OSes lacking snprintf(3) and/or vsnprintf(3)
 sock.cSocket abstraction
 sock.hSocket abstraction API
 stanza.cStanza creation and manipulation
 tls.cGeneric TLS functionality
 tls.hTLS abstraction API
 tls_dummy.cTLS dummy implementation
 tls_gnutls.cTLS implementation with GNUTLS
 tls_openssl.cTLS implementation with OpenSSL
 tls_schannel.cTLS implementation with Win32 SChannel
 util.cUtility functions
 util.hInternally used utility functions
 uuid.cGeneration of UUID version 4 according to RFC4122
 strophe.hStrophe public C API definitions